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Welcome to the Echo shop of Saratoga, CA


The Echo Shop wants you to join the fun of discovery in resale shopping. Celebrating our 63 Years!

The art of resale shopping is frequency and timing. Discover the quality items at amazing prices. Visit often as inventory turns over quickly. New items are added frequently. Fresh merchandise is put out daily. Sale items categories are posted on signage in the shop or check the Instagram site for updates.  Of course, the other truism about resale shopping is if you see something you love, buy it because it will probably be loved by others and be gone next time you visit!

While finding a great bargain in a quick trip into the shop is certainly fun, spending 20-30 minutes or more will allow you to really peruse our racks and find treasures.  Our volunteers are always available to assist you. Getting to know them makes the shopping more fun and satisfying.

Remember, all funds go to local charities. Come in often, get acquainted and contribute.

Red is for Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year…..but also 50% discount on RED TAG items this week . DON’T MISS THIS SALE


Come in and you’ll see red….RED is the “in” color.


Lunar New Year is soon….and Valentine’s Day as well. Celebrate one or both with a new piece (or two or more) from our collection of festive items.


Check out our Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year items. Come in soon.

Follow us on Instagram and also Facebook.

shop open hours

Tuesday : 10am - 4pm
Thurs - Sat : 10am - 4pm

contact info

14554 Big Basin Way Saratoga, CA 95070
Subscribe for Emails
Look for
our red door